5 Smart But Simple Content Marketing Tips for Accountants

Your Goal is to Attract Potential Clients: You are not writing for other accountants! Use language that is clear: no jargon!
Be Useful: Informative, accurate and well-written content demonstrates your expertise and ability to communicate clearly. Poorly written or boring is a turn-off!
Separate Your Personal and Professional Social Media: Understand that your personal social media is just that: Personal!
Promote Your Content: It’s not enough just to have great content on your website: you need to publish your content on other platforms where your target audience sources reliable information.
Newsletters: A monthly or quarterly newsletter to your mailing list is ideal to share your news in one concise document.
5 Blog Topic Ideas For Accountants: Not sure what to write about? Here are a few blog topics to get you started.
Year-End Tax Planning Tips
Small Business Accounting worksheet
6 Month’s Living Expenses spreadsheet
College Savings Strategies
Retirement Planning in Your 20s, 30s, 40s or 50s (that\'s 5 different blog posts!)
Learn More: 5 Smart But Simple Content Marketing Tips for Accountants http://hirecatherine.com/2016/01/21/5-smart-but-simple-content-marketing-tips-for-accountants/