Top 10 Free Keyword Research Tools for SEO Campaigns

  • Google Keyword Planner - Enter your web address to find keywords and related keywords with estimated search volume. It\'s 1st\'s Google.

  • Soovie - is a fast, free, and a great place to start researching ideas. Enter a keyword and this free keyword tool will automatically display keyword suggestions.

  • Uber Suggest is a fast and free keyword suggestion tool. Solid results. Get great ideas. A great place to start your research.

  • LSI Keyword Generator - Latent Semantic Indexing for determining the relationship between terms and concepts in content.

  • SERPs is a solid, free, and quick keyword research tool. It uses Adwords data to suggest organic and paid keywords.

  • Google Correlate - Enter a keyword and find new keywords that Google considers very similar.

  • Keyworddit uses Reddit to find keywords.

  • Spy Fu has been around a for while and still offers solid keyword research for free, along with a paid option as well.

  • Keyword Tool - Find keyword suggestions for Google, Youtube, eBay, Amazon and the App store. 750 suggestions are free.

  • Wordstream has decent keyword ideas. The free version let\'s you see Google search volume estimates.

  • Bonus: Try Starting Your Keyword Research Here

  • Bloomberry - Enter a keyword and find the most popular questions asked by your buyers. Includes: forums, e-commerce sites, Quora, reddit and more.

  • Buzzsumo enter a keyword to find content getting the most links and shares. Start your keyword research here. Free trial, but worth paying.

  • Google Trends visually shows you what and where keyword are trending. Another good place to get keyword ideas.

  • SEM Rush gives in-depth info about keywords including related, competitors, ad data, and difficulty. Free trial and paid versions.

This checklist was created by howtowebdesign

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