Steps to Organize a Meeting

steps to organize a meeting business meeting checklist

  • Identified the purpose of the meeting?

  • Made sure you really need a meeting?

  • Developed a preliminary agenda?

  • Selected the right participants and assigned roles?

  • Decided where and when to hold the meeting?

  • Confirmed the availability of the space?

  • Sent the invitation?

  • Sent the preliminary agenda to key participants and stakeholders?

  • Sent pre-reading or requests which require advance preparation?

  • Followed up with invitees in person, if appropriate?

  • Chosen the decision-making process that will be used (Majority vote, group consensus, or leader\'s choice)?

  • Identified, arranged for, and tested any required equipment?

  • Finalized the agenda and distributed it to all participants?

  • Verified that all key participants will attend and know their roles?

  • Prepared yourself (drafted presentations, printed handouts, etc.)?

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