7 Things to Think About the Night Before an Exam

the night before an exam the night before an exam
  • 1. Positive Imagery. Spend some time visualising a positive exam experience.

  • 2. Your Best Performance. Think about a previous good performance.

  • 3. Your Preparation. Boost your confidence by reminding yourself of how well you have prepared and how much revision you have done.

  • 4. Focus on you. Focus on yourself and don\'t compare yourself to others as this will make you feel stressed.

  • 5. The Challenge. If you see the exam as a threat, it will make you stressed.

  • 6. Overcoming Setbacks. Remind yourself how you overcame previous setbacks.

  • 7. A Good Night\'s Sleep. A good night\'s sleep helps improve creativity, problem solving, concentration and memory.

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