7 Q4 Things Your Small Business Should Be Doing Now

Prep your website and social media ready for the holidays: Many small businesses prep their stores for the holiday sales - Black Friday, but wait too late to get their online content and are unprepared for holiday digital traffic: Cyber Monday, Free Shipping Day. Use your social media to drive traffic to your website and your brick or mortar store.
Circle back to empty shopping carts and unsold customers: Focus your selling on customers who already know about your business. Start with the most recent sales you haven\'t closed, and online customers who\'ve abandoned their shopping carts without purchasing. Give them an exclusive offer to help close the sale.
Prepare your holiday marketing campaign: For many small businesses, the holidays are where they make their money. Provide customers with great service and products so they are sure to return again.
Plan your client gifts and cards and employee bonuses: Don\'t wait until December 24 to thank your customers and your team. Start planning now for how you want to thank and recognize the people who make your business a success.
Take inventory and promote or discount excess product: The holidays are a good time to clean out your inventory and make room for new products in the new year.
Celebrate Small Business Saturday on November 24: Many consumers want to shop local and hundreds of millions support Small Business Saturday.
Start your 2019 Q1 planning: Start a running list of your goals for the coming year.