Social: Think Before You Post

Digital Marketing Digital Marketing
  • 1. The Basics: Know Your Audience 

  • I\'ve targeted my post to a select group or groups based on their interests and understanding of their needs. 

  • I\'ve addressed the audience\'s pain/passion point with their perspective in mind. 

  • I\'ve limited the sales pitch and focused on what will resonate with them.

  • I\'ve researched keywords and optimized for SEO based on the audience. 

  • I\'ve researched hashtags across platforms and have drafted the copy/images/videos for each post.

  • I have connected this content to one or more of our social/marketing goals.

  • 2. Social Platform 

  • I\'ve considered which platforms are best for the this type of content and where my audience will be most engaged.

  • I\'ve adjusted my content and copy accordingly to each social network. 

  • I\'ve considered my audience and their engagement with each platform. I\'ve scheduled my social media posts accordingly to their engagement with each network. 

  • 3. Content/Copy

  • I have created a title I would want to click on if I were in the audience\'s shoes. 

  • I have created a two-way conversation, not a one-way broadcast. 

  • I\'ve associated the appropriate @ and # elements to increase exposure, but not annoy. 

  • I\'ve completed the voice/tone checklist to ensure the text is on brand. 

  • I\'ve complied with our content mix rules (3-1-1, 4-1-1, 5-1-1, etc.)

  • I have considered whether my goal is to entertain, inspire, converse, teach or provide relevant information in correlation with my editorial calendar. 

  • I\'ve thought about past/future posts that can be linked. 

  • 4. Visual

  • I have created visually appealing and engaging images/videos/animations that compliment the verbal aspect of the post. 

  • I have optimized and tested the visual asset to ensure it uploads correctly. 

  • I have considered the mixture of content types and provided an interactive/visual content that complements the previous content posts. 

  • I have followed the brand standards and social visual guide.

  • 5. Logistics

  • I have evaluated my character lengths and ensured they are within the optimal character limits.

  • I have scheduled each post with all the necessary elements at the appropriate time per platform. 

  • I have cross-linked content to optimize engagement. 

  • I have sized my images/videos accordingly to each social network. 

  • I\'m not posting just to post. Quality over quantity. 

This checklist was created by flomarketing

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