Freelancer Onboarding Checklist

Freelancer Onboarding Checklist Freelancer Onboarding Checklist
  • Basic introduction of the company and objectives for the project

  • Collect all necessary contact details from freelancer

  • Send out/receive contract (if necessary)

  • Send/email a welcome packet (if necessary)

  • Freelancer introduction email or call to other team members

  • Set up communication (email, software, etc)

  • Establish communication guidelines, checkins, meetings, etc

  • Set up platforms (which tools will be used to complete the project)

  • Send/email company/blog style guidelines (if necessary)

  • Send/email article/blog guidelines

  • Send/email all project information and project guidelines

  • Set up expectations and deliverables (including timeline and schedule)

  • Establish payment method and schedule

This checklist was created by officialcheckli

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