25 ways to be politically active (whether you lean left or right)

politically active politically active
  • Local politics and activism

  • 1. Know who your local legislators and politicians are - Here\'s

  • 2. Know how to get in touch with them (and actually make them listen.)

  • 3. Identify an issue you care about and pursue it

  • 4. Attend town hall meetings 

  • 5. Attend City Council meetings

  • 6. Get to know your local School Board

  • 7. Join your local PTA

  • 8. Mobilize more people to support your cause

  • 9. Join a voting league or political organization

  • 10. Register to act on behalf of a political party.

  • 11. Join a campaign

  • 12. Volunteer at their headquarters

  • 13. Attend or organize rallies and events

  • 14. Pound the pavement

  • 15. Volunteer to work at a polling place

  • 16. Volunteer to register voters 

  • 17. Vote

  • Political education

  • 18. Subscribe to a paper or other publication you believe in

  • 19. Read up on American history and civics

  • 20. Share that knowledge

  • Community outreach

  • 21. Volunteer at a place that benefits your community

  • 22. Volunteer at a museum, state or national park, cultural center or historical society

  • 23. Hell, GO to a museum, state or national park, or historical society

  • 24. Donate 

  • 25. Get off the internet 

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