agenda checklist agenda checklist
  • Name of the meeting

  • Date and Time

  • Exact location of the meeting

  • A list of expected attendees

  • Expected meeting duration

  • Clearly stated objectives of the meeting

  • An agenda item to approve the minutes of the previous meeting

  • An agenda item to handle matters arising from the previous meeting\'s minutes (actions that haven\'t been completed for example)

  • An agenda item at the end to handle AOB - Any Other Business

  • Each  agenda item should be numbered 

  • Each agenda item should have a time alloted to it

  • Where you have a speaker, their name should be next to the agenda item so they know they are running that item of the agenda.

  • An agenda should be circulated in advance (ideally the day before)

  • As chair (or secretary) you should bring enough printed copies of the agenda to the meeting and print-outs of the last meeting\'s minute for everyone.

  • The whole agenda should be simple and clear for all participants to understand, without extensive prior knowledge.

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