Leading Virtual Meetings

  • Plan- Before your meeting

  • Distribute relevant information prior to the meeting- including the meeting, objectives, agenda, specified time zone of start/end times, ground rules 

  • Limit agenda items so that the entire call can be completed in two hours or less, if necessary break the meeting into several calls

  • Ask participant to submit preliminary input and ideas before the meeting

  • Request for multiple people at the same location to assemble together in a conference room or other suitable office/environment

  • Create a list that shows the name and location of each person expected in the meeting

  • Begin- At the start of your meeting

  • Conduct a role call, ask each person to state his/her name and location

  • Inform-excite-empower-involve in your opening words- Inform participants of the meeting purpose, Excite them about participation by explaining the benefits, Empower them by letting them know the authority they\'ve have given, Involve them by asking a Type B question that engages them

  • Add any specific ground rules to assist with "remote meeting etiquette," such as - Announce yourself while joining or leaving the meeting, always identify yourself before speaking, avoid using the hold button

  • Execute- During yourmeeting

  • Use round-robins frequently to get input from everyone, Establish the order early and follow it each time

  • Establish a verbal method for doing consensus check, such as round-robin, where each person  indicates agreement or disagreement

  • Use a meeting software that allows participant to view on computer the information that is recorded while the session in ongoing

  • Do considerable summarizing and use frequent prompts and play back questions to make sure that everyone is comprehending and focused

  • Review all issues, decision and action items prior to end the meeting

  • Publish a re-cap immediately after the meeting

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