A Therapist's Guide to Stop Overthinking

overthinking Stop Overthinking
  • Name it to tame it. Interrupt the cycle of worry by acknowledging that you\'re feeling anxious or overwhelmed.

  • Write down your worries.

  • Allow yourself a set amount of time to worry.

  • Acknowledge your fears and try to accept them.

  • Practice self-compassion and respond with kindness when you make a mistake.

  • Avoid the internet and social media, especially self-diagnosing, online research and product reviews, co paring yourself to others, and the news.

  • Distract yourself by doing something different, moving to a new location.

  • Learn to relax your body and mind with activities such as meditation, exercise, listening to soothing music, massage, using aromatherapy, etc.

  • Let go of perfection. Strive for "good enough" rather than perfect.

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