The Invest Criteria For Good Storied

Criteria INVEST acronym

  • Stories should be internally independent during their execution. The success of one story should not depend on the success of Another being worked on at the same time.


  • Stories are the negotiation units in scrum. Stories are agreed To in planning and are delivered. The team negotiates actual Content of stories during development.


  • Stories are, by definition, Units of value that are requested by Stakeholders or team members. The value can be external or Internal-for stakeholders or the team.


  • The team needs to be able to agree to the story which implies Story\'s effort could be estimated, however. Some Stories are ambiguous and must be time-boxed


  • Stories should be small enough that there is little confusion About what they mean and can be completed relatively quickly. We recommend a single focus per story.


  • Stories should be testable. Each story needs to be verifiable. So that the team can determine when is done. Doneness takes Different forms for different stories

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