Top 10 Tips to Make Remote Working More Productive

Productive Remote Working
  • Mute notifications while you\'re working. Keep interruptions to a minimum, checking text messages, social media and Other notifications periodically instead of in the moment.

  • Time Block. Scheduling your daily tasks in chunks of time instead of working sporadically is the smarter way to work. It\'s a time-saver and helps keep remote workers on track.

  • Keep a low profile. Don\'t let chit- chat with friends and family eat up your time. Work, then play.

  • Turn off the TV. Whistle while you work, but don\'t watch TV - it\'s another time-suck. DVR is a beautiful thing.

  • Check your email later. Make the most of your morning. Check your email after 9, starting with the most important messages first.

  • Close those tabs. Do you really need Amazon Open while you\'re working? Get rid Of all distractions - that includes personal social media profiles too.

  • Keep a to-do list. As easy as it sounds, and helps keep you accountable.

  • Get up and stretch. Ward off writer\'s block, keep those creative juices flowing, and bring circulation back to the body. It\'s important and helps with productivity!

  • Plan for tomorrow. Make the most of each day and plan ahead, putting unfinished tasks at the top of your to-do list. Follow for more great tips and other engaging content.

  • Prioritize. Make the main thing the main thing. Deadlines aren\'t suggestions, so put the most important tasks first, then work your way down your list of daily tasks.

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