Boost Your Immune System

immune system promote your immune cells

  • Vitamin D is an excellent supplement that can reduce the likely hood of suffering from infections as well as reduce inflammatory cytokines and T cells.


  • Vitamin C is another supplement to consider taking as it can prevent and treat respiratory infections as well as make your immune cells more diverse and therefore, more effective protection from infection.

  • ZINC

  • Zinc is an essential mineral you need for the formation and production Of immune cells, Cytokines, as well as growth and function of B and T immune cells. Therefore, boosting your immune system function hugely


  • Lack of sleep is shown to reduce your natural killer cells by up to 70%! So getting enough, quality sleep is important for your immune system, mental health and overall wellbeing


  • The stress hormone cortisol has been show to reduce your white blood cells and natural killer cells and increase inflammatory Cytokines. So managing stress is essential for your immune system function and keeping your wellness resilient too.

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