8 Ways to Handle Underperforming Employees

Employees? HR
  • 1.Give feedback.

  • Before you criticize employees\' efforts or ask them why their work quality has gone downhill. give them feedback first. Likewise. tell them what has changed and can they improve their work Within an agreed schedule.

  • 2.Listen.

  • Just because the leader. Doesn’t mean you\'ll do all the talking. Communication is a two-way street: therefore, let employee speak out and tell why his/her attitude and performance Changed.

  • 3.Tell managers about the issue.

  • If one employee opens about burnout at work, chances are others may Struggle with the same problem. The effective way to manage scenario is discuss the company culture and the problem and remedy with department heads.

  • 4.Understand what makes them tick.

  • Spend time to know your people and discover their long-term career goals and aspirations. It will be rather difficult to direct and engage them without understanding what keeps them going.

  • Plan tailored career performance goals together.

  • Ask your employees they want to improve, what skills they want to learn, and what goals they want to accomplish. In particular, the career goals you make together will further motivate them to achieve better work quality.

  • 6.Check their progress.

  • Effective leaders monitor the progress of their Staff once they have set the goal. In doing this, they’ll appreciate your diligence and interest to help them grow their and be accountable for their work.

  • 7.Recognize their accomplishments.

  • One that discourages employees to do excellent is feeling undervalued. Therefore, whenever they put in their efforts don\'t forget to recognize their hard and-at least-give them a simple reward or token of appreciation.

  • 8. Work on continued underperformance.

  • If performing employees see one under-performing colleague slacking off but getting no feedback from you, they\'ll become disengaged. Formally call the employee\'s attention and tell him/her you don’t

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