31 Days of Productivity

Productivity Productivity
  • 1. Keep track of your activities and see how long each of them take

  • 2. Write down your goals and priorities

  • 3. Drink water as soon as you wake up

  • 4. Identify your single most important task and do it

  • 5. Organize your workspace

  • 6. Set your morning alarm 15 minutes earlier

  • 7. Identify your top five tasks last week that produced 80% of your results

  • 8. Check your emails only two times today

  • 9. Schedule a "no-distractions" rest period in the middle of the day

  • 10. Make a productivity playlist

  • 11. Talk to someone you look up to and ask them their #1 productivity tip

  • 12. Get an accountability partner or join a support group

  • 13. Meditate for 10 minutes

  • 14. Think a small win from last week and celebrate it

  • 15. Make your bed in the morning

  • 16. Browse the internet with only one tab ( or phone app) open at once

  • 17. Choose one task and automate it

  • 18. Choose one task and delegate it

  • 19. Choose one habit you\'d like to develop and commit to doing it

  • 20. Choose one habit you\'d like to eliminate and commit to change it

  • 21. Review the past week and cut down your biggest time-waster

  • 22. Make a "stop doing" list

  • 23. Eat the healthiest meal you \'ve had in a week

  • 24. Plan your day the night before

  • 25. Walk or jog outside for 20 minutes

  • 26. Make a "go over later" list

  • 27. Sleep for 8 hours to night

  • 28. Change your desktop or phone wallpaper to a motivational quote

  • 29. Learn something new via books, podcasts, or TED Talks

  • 30. Hug someone who supports you (could be your pet)

  • 31. Reward yourself for your biggest accomplishment this month

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