21 ROI Stats on Sales Coaching: Can Your Organization Afford NOT to Hire a Sales Coach?

21 ROI Stats on Sales Coaching
  • Companies with dynamic coaching programs achieve 28% higher win rates. - BrainShark 

  • Firms that provide an optimal amount of coaching realize 16.7% greater annual revenue growth. - Sales Management Association 

  • Companies that provide quality coaching can reach 7% greater annual revenue growth. - Business2Community  

  • 75% of sales organizations waste resources due to random and informal coaching approaches. - CSO Insights 2016 Sales Enablement Study

  • 60% of sales reps say they\'re more likely to leave their job if their manager is a poor coach. - Zenger Folkman 

  • Companies with a formal training process reach 91.2% of sales quota. - Hoopla 

  • Without follow-up, salespeople will lose 80-90 percent of what they learned in training within a month. – Sales Alliance 

  •  Approximately 50% of the learned content is not retained within 5 weeks. Within 90 days, 84% of what was initially learned is lost. - Training Industry 

  • Training + Coaching led to an increase of 88% in productivity, vs. 23% from training alone. - Centre for Management and Organizational Effectiveness 

  • The average company spends $10,000 to $15,000 hiring an individual and only $2,000 a year in sales training. - The Bridge Group 

  • Less than half of companies provide post-training reinforcement, but organizations who use post-training reinforcement see 34% more first-year sales reps achieve quota. – Aberdeen Group 

  • Over 47 percent of sales managers spend less than 30 min a week coaching reps on skills and behaviors. - CSO Insights 2016 Sales Enablement Study 

  • The top 20% of sales coaches have teams that produce an average of $4.1M additional revenue. - EcSell Institute 

  • More than 60% of salespeople are more likely to leave their job if their manager is a poor coach. - BrainShark 

  •  Firms where salespeople use the company’s methodology and get consistent coaching see 73% quota attainment. - CSO Insights

  • 90%+ will transfer new skills into practice as a result of theory, demonstration, practice, feedback and on-going coaching. - Pete Stuckey, Training and Consultancy

  • Only 19% of salespeople, or 1 in 5, receive customized coaching personalized to their unique needs. - SalesFuel 

  • Sales representatives receiving at least three hours of coaching per month exceed their selling goals by 7%, increase revenue by 25%, and increase close rate by 70%! - Knowledge Tree 

  • Salespeople who consistently follow a sales methodology experience an average win rate of 56% compared with 45% for those salespeople who don\'t follow a sales methodology - Sales Performance Optimization Study 

  • Organizations that follow a consistent coaching framework see a 27.9% improvement in their win rate. - Aberdeen Group  

  • Sales managers who devote at least 50% of their time to coaching have salespeople who score 13% better in qualifying and 24% better in closing than the salespeople whose sales managers rarely coach. - Objective Management Group, Inc. 

This checklist was created by anthonycaliendo

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