B2B Content Marketing Tips for 2020

B2B Content Marketing
  • Go Outside Your Owned Media: Amplify outside your owned channels, such as media and influencer relationships, guest blogging and speaking events ~ Content Marketing Institute

  • B2B Videos: Your employees are experts. B2B videos featuring your employees provide a great medium for highlighting your expert employees ~ Neal Schaffer

  • Promote Your B2B Content: Competition in the “attention economy” is intense, and relying solely on organic reach is a potentially disastrous mistake. ~ Wordstream

  • Translate Experts: B2B content marketers "rely on subject-matter experts for credible information," but using technical language and jargon makes the articles difficult to understand and remember. ~ Publishing Executive

  • Build Trust: Produce content that is highly relevant to the problems your audience is facing and avoiding topics that provide no value. ~ LYFE Marketing

This checklist was created by anthonycaliendo

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