Why Publishing Checklists on Checkli is a Top Priority for Content Marketers
Benefits for Agencies
Publishing a checklist is a valuable and impressive quick win for clients.
Publish and sharing unlimited checklists is totally free for content marketers.
Blogs take 4-5 hours to write. Interactive checklists takes 15-20 minutes.
Checkli is Amazing for SEO
Checkli home pages and checklists link to your client\'s website.
Checklists can be found in Google search results.
Checkli home pages can push negative content down on page #1 of Google.
Checkli\'s high domain authority can help grow your client\'s domain authority.
Checkli home pages and checklists use SEO-friendly URLs.
Measure Performance
Send your clients impressive stats on how well their checklists are performing.
Embed checklists on any website or blog.
Tweets last 5 minutes, Facebook posts last a day, but checklists live on forever.
Published checklists can be found on Checkli\'s public search.
Lead Generation
Drive traffic, leads, and sales to your client\'s website from your checklists.
Add your logo/colors/URL to Checkli home pages and checklists.
Get more email subscribers in-exchange for your checklists
Your target market can find, save, and complete your checklists.
Published checklists can go viral.