Vancouver, British Columbia Immigrant Entrepreneur Program Qualifications

Criteria for British Columbia Immigrant Entrepreneurs: The criteria targets entrepreneurs with a desire to start a business and settle in regional communities with populations of fewer than 75,000:
Exploratory community visit
Minimum of $100,000 in eligible business investments
Minimum personal net worth of $300,000
Minimum of 51% ownership
Minimum of 1 new job created
As part of the exploratory visit, the foreign entrepreneur must present their business idea to the community’s designated contact person. The contact person will prepare a referral form for submission as part of the applicant’s BC PNP registration.
British Columbia Programs to Support Immigration: In addition to the BC Immigrant Entrepreneur program, British Columbia, Canada, has 4 other programs to encourage immigration:
British Columbia Provincial Nominee Program (BC PNP): British Columbia’s economic growth program to meet skilled and qualified labour market needs by recruiting high-demand foreign workers and experienced entrepreneurs who want to immigrate to Canada and apply for permanent residency in BC.
Express Entry BC: EEBC is a faster way for eligible skilled workers to gain permanent residence in B.C. and connects with the Canadian Permanent Residence Express Entry immigration application process.
BC PNP - Skills Immigration: The Skills Immigration (SI) stream of the BC Provincial Nominee Program (BC PNP) is for foreign workers with the skills, experience and qualifications needed by British Columbia employers.
BC PNP Technology Pilot: Launched on August 28, 2017, the BC PNP Pilot allows for a fast-track, permanent immigration pathway for in-demand foreign workers and international students.
Job Categories That are Eligible for Express Entry British Columbia:
Skilled Worker
Health Care Professional
International Graduate
International Post-Graduate