Top 10 On Page SEO Tips You Can Check Off Your List Today

  • Make your title tags alluring. Focus on increasing CTR, not stuffing your page titles with keywords.

  • Put your header tags in numerical order. Start with H1, follow up with H2, and continue as it makes sense.

  • Keep your meta description under 160 characters. Place your keyword (or a variation) near the beginning of this description.

  • Write at least 1,000 words. Keep it easy to read and digest by organizing into bite-sized chunks.

  • Don\'t front load your content with the good stuff, and then fill in the rest with fluff. Spread out your keywords (and their variations). 

  • Write image alt tags for visually impaired users. Describe what it is you\'re actually looking at.

  • Put your core keywords near the beginning of each section. 

  • Reference trusted external sources. You are who you associate with, so build that network by linking to valuable content.

  • Link to relevant internal pages. Take the user on a well thought out content journey. 

  • When linking to any page that isn\'t relevant to the user\'s journey (i.e. Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy), add a nofollow tag.

This checklist was created by kristenstack

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