Escalation Strategy

  • Create a confluence page with the detail of the issue.

  • Fill in the project escalation plan sheet

  • Add the person who reported the issue to the confluence page.

  • Place any attachments which could make the issue easily understood on confluence.

  • Send a message in the escalation group (core team) and attach the confluence page link.

  • Ask everyone to respond after going through the issue.

  • If the issue will effect the users, inform the stakeholders and do the needful.

  • If the issue is not material in the given tat. Inform the stakeholders.

  • Ask for response from stakeholders.

  • After the issue is resolved, if a email/notice was sent out -a subsequent notification must be sent with a reasonable explanation of what went wrong.

  • Document the steps taken to solve it this time, on confluence page.

  • Document the steps taken to ensure this type of issue never reoccurs.

  • Refer to the confluence space for any past occurance & report.

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