Free Adoption Shopping List

For Your Adoption Travel
Diaper bag
Bags for dirty/soiled clothes
Laundry detergent (travel size)
Travel-size first aid kit
Gifts for your child\'s birth parents (check with your adoption attorney first to make sure it\'s allowable per state laws)
Gear and Travel
Stroller and/or umbrella stroller
Stroller accessories, such as a rain cover, sun shade, foot muff, and hooks for bags or purses
Convertible car seat
Car seat accessories, like a mirror, sun shade for the windows, and car seat cover
Pack N Play Playard and two to three play yard sheets
Diaper bag
Nursery and Décor
Crib and crib mattress (or a toddler bed, depending upon the age of the child you\'re adopting)
Waterproof mattress pads (2-3)
Fitted crib sheets
Crib sheet protectors (2-3)
Color-coordinated valance, dust ruffle, quilt, etc
Storage bins or baskets
White noise sound machine
Laundry hamper
Child-sized hangers (12-15)
Toddler bowls, plates, and utensils
Toddler cups and sippy cups (6-8)
High chair
Booster seat for dining out
Bibs (8-10)
Snack dispenser
Bath and Potty
Rinse cup for shampoo
Bath toys
Mat for parents to kneel on
Hooded towels (4-6)
Baby washcloths (7-8)
Diapers (in various sizes)
Diaper pail
Diaper rash ointment
Safety and Health
Baby monitor
Safety gates
Safety locks and outlet covers
Nasal bulb
First Aid kit
Baby or child toothbrush and toothpaste
Nail clippers
Brush and comb
Night light
Shopping cart cover
Toys and Learning
Activity mat or walker
Stuffed animals
Walk-behind toy
Extra batteries!
Clothing and Linens
Undershirts (4-6)
Seasonal clothing, such as jackets and swim suits
Socks (9-12 pairs)
Shoes (2-3 pairs)
Outfits (4-6)
Footie pajamas (4-8)
Pants (4-8 pairs)