7 Habits Of A Bad Speaker

habits speaking habits
  • 1. Gossiping

  • Speaking badly of somebody else seems to have a chain reaction, If you engage in gossip, you can give yourself a bad reputation and inspire others to start gossiping about you.

  • 2. Judging

  • If you fill your conversations with judgments Of Others, you\'re making the person you\'re speaking With self-conscious of being judged themselves. They" be afraid to open up to you and may shut down co

  • 3. Being negative

  • Choosing to be optimistic will make you more enjoyable to talk to. Plus, it\'s better for your health

  • 4. Complaining

  • Complaining easily becomes a habit, and before you know it, you\'ll be known as the person who complains about the weather, the news, work, and everything else. This is called “viral misery”

  • 5. Making excuses

  • e people put the blame on anybody and anything except themselves when met with failure. While others may let the occasional excuse slide, a constant stream of them reveals that you do not take responsibility for your actions.

  • 6. Exaggerating

  • Exaggeration demeans our language. Adding dramatic flair is essentially a form Of lying, and we don’t want to listen to people we know are lying to us.

  • 7. Being dogmatic

  • dangerous when opinions and facts become confused. Nobody wants to be bombarded with opinions stated as if they were true.

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