Employee Going Back to Work Checklist

Ask for the following common articles
No touch trash-bins
No touch soap dispensers
Hand sanitizers Anti-bacterial Hand gels/rubs
Vitamins C, 86, E, etc (optional)
Masks (optional)
Work preparations
Ask for a 1-on-1 talk with the boss: what will your first week back will look like
Let staff contact HR at least two weeks in advance to confirm first day back and what to expect
Avoid frequently touched common surfaces
Elevator buttons, phones, chargers, door handles, computer equipment (mouse), etc
Clean regularly the mobile phones, tablets, etc
Covering mouth with elbow or tissue when coughing or sneezing
Take care of frequent waste management
Discontinue the use of shared items
Notebooks, Pencils, Pens, clipboards, phones, cutlery, etc
Avoid usage of fans, central air condition and heating systems
Attend only essential meetings and events
Make sure only to attend essential work-related meetings or events are held, and others are postponed. Especially when traveling is involved
Seek medical care when:
Having a fever over 38°C / 100,4
Coughing and sneezing
Difficulty breathing
Stay informed of local government guidelines
Time-off; consider to take annual or unpaid leave
If that is beneficial for the boss and company
Wear a face mask, avoid touching mask
Maintain a social distance
for at least 1 meter between yourself and others, especially those who are coughing or sneezing
Temporarily use only disposable tableware
Single use cups, cutlery, plates, etc
Avoid public gatherings as much as possible
Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth
Ensure the necessary Childcare
Confirm the common day care provider or nanny is available
Carry an emergency contact list to work
Establish a process to communicate information
Start sharing information with employees, business partners etc on the outbreak and how to response (Outbreak response plan) and the latest COVID-19 information