7-Step Social Media Deep Cleaning

Complete My 5 Minute Social Media Audit --> https://www.checkli.com/checklists/catherinerussell/5-minute-social-media-audit
Secure Your Accounts: Change passwords for social pages/profiles every few months; use two-factor authentication to secure the channel; review the admin panel for member roles and access settings.
Perform CPR On Old Content: Look for things that are old and outdated. Delete inaccurate or off-brand posts.
Weed Out Fakes, Spammers and Bots: Remove followers who are abusive or look dubious. Tools like ManageFlitter or Follow Cop can help you identify and remove suspicious followers.
Revive Missed Connections: Look for feedback you missed responding to. Reply to old conversations with updated information.
Review Overall Content Strategy: Are you cross-posting to optimize each channel? Is brand messaging consistent on all channels?
Kill Failing Networks: Focus your energy on the channels that work.