Facebook Business Account Checklist

Set up two-factor authorization. This way, if you lose control of your business page (i.e. its hacked or you forget the password), you can have it turned back over to you quickly.
Choose an appropriate Facebook business account classification – you will be presented with six business classifications, make sure that you pick the one most suited to your business.
Get your business name right the first time around – you can change your business name, but it’s a real hassle.
Upload a profile picture – This will be the face of your organisation
To Start Off:
Learn how to use the admin panel to access notifications and fill in page fields.
Fill in your about section – try to be informative but not longwinded. 2-3 sentences should suffice.
Create a Facebook cover photo – this will make your page immediately recognisable to your followers.
Include an email address and a phone number that customers can use to contact you.
Give other members of your company roles on the Facebook business page if desired.
Add to favourites – add your business account to your sidebar for easy access
Invite friends, colleagues and family to like your page before adding customers. This way your page will have some initial activity.