DO’s /DON’T’s for Venice, Italy

Always the #1 DO: go *without* a tour group, so you can get lost in the city! Venice is not so big, and incredibly safe. Go for it.
DON’T walk in the center of our tiny streets, please! Always stay to the right, leaving space on the left. (Venetians won’t be so kind otherwise.)
DO go on a gondola ride, but beware of scam prices. It should cost you 90 Euro TOTAL for a standard ride (no matter how many people in the boat).
DO pause around 5pm, possibly by the Grand Canal for the view, and grab a “Sprtiz.” This aperitif is Venetian-born, so you won’t find it better than here!
DON’T be naive about the Murano glass stores when shopping in Venice. DO the research on which stores sell true Murano glass, and which ones are fake.
DO visit the beautiful rainbow-colored fisherman island of Burano! It\'s roughly 50 minutes by ferry from Venice, but totally charming and worth it.
If you DO go to Burano, DON’T miss out on their special & particular way of making lace. Here, you’ll find techniques unlike any in France or Belgium.
DO visit the local fisherman market by the Rialto bridge, and DO it well before 12pm! This is the only spot in town to buy anything that comes from the sea.
DON’T turn down seafood-related menu options (if you enjoy it generally). *Seafood* is a huge part of Venetian culture, so it’s bound to be delicious.
What\'s a *classic* Venetian dish? DO try “Scampi alla Busara" with squid ink pasta. Yum!!
DO also be wary of take-away sandwiches and salads. If they look old in the display, DON’T buy them :)
And definitely DON’T eat anything inside Piazza San Marco! Not only is it illegal (you will get a fine), but Venetians consider it to be very disrespectful.
DO follow the Piazza’s etiquette signage, which also asks that you not sit on the stairs. Remember, the Piazza’s structure is a *national monument*!
DON’T feed the pigeons! It is technically illegal to do so, but it also enumerates the already undesirable number of pigeons that exist there.
DO visit the Basilica, and DO visit the top of the Tower (if you have time to wait in line). As you might imagine, the view is incredible.
DO take pictures on Rialto bridge. DON’T only consider the East view, though. People typically disregard the West view, and it’s just as lovely (+ less people).
DO support the small, local businesses in town!! Some are still family-run and have been for decades. DO say hi to the shop owner and learn about their story.
DON’T only visit the city center. Also explore: Cannaregio, Castello, and even the Lido. Here, you\'re out of the tourism and can see true Venetian life better.
DO say “Permesso” (pronounced “Per-mes-soh”) or “Scusa” (pronounced “Skoo-zah”) to politely move past slower people in the street.