Master the Italian basics!

Buongiorno = Good morning. ***Not "Ciao," which is only used informally.
Buona Sera = Good evening. ***Not "Ciao"
Salve = Hello. ***Not "Ciao"
Arrevaderci = Goodbye. ****Not "Ciao" (Sounds like "areeve-derCHI")
Ciao = Hey. ***Only proper if you know the person to whom you are speaking. (Sounds like "CHIao")
A dopo. = See you later.
Va bene / OK = OK
Posso avere _________, per favore? = Can I have _________, please?
Posso vedere _________, per favore? = Can I see _________, please?
Vorrei comprare _________. = I would like to buy _________.
Sto cercando _________. Dov\'è? = I am looking for _________. Where is it? (Sounds like "Stoh CHEr-Kando _________. Dove-E?")
Ho bisogno di aiuto. = I need help. (Sounds like "Oh bi-zo-no dee aee-yuto.")
Vorrei mangiare. = I would like to eat. (The "g" in mangiare is pronounced like the 2nd "g" in garage, not the first "g.")
Io ho fame. = I am hungry. (Sounds like "Ee-oh Oh famE.")
Vorrei bere. = I would like to drink.
Io sono assetato/a (*masculine/feminine). = I am thirsty.
Io sono pronto/a (*masculine/feminine). = I am ready.
Io sono stanco/a (*masculine/feminine). = I am tired. (Sounds like "Ee-oh sono stan-Koh.")
acqua = water. (Sounds like "aK-wah")
tè = tea
un biglietto = a ticket. (Sounds like "oon bee-lee-et-toh")
un caffè = a coffee or a coffee shop. (Sounds like "oon Kah-fe")
nero = black
il zucchero = the sugar. (Sounds like "il zoo-Ker-oh")
il lattè = the milk
il vino = the wine
rosso = red
bianco = white
prosecco = sparkling. (Sounds like "pro-se-Koh")
la cena = the dinner. (Sounds like "la CHE-nah")
il conto = the receipt or check. (Sounds like "il Kon-toh")
buono/a = good, used to describe a particular object. “The meal was good.”
bene = good, used to describe a state of being. “I feel good.”
male = bad, used both to describe a particular object, and also a state of being. "The meal was bad" and "I feel bad."
il hotel = the hotel. (Sounds like "il Oh-tel")
il treno = the train
il aereo = the airplane. (Sounds like "il ah-eh-reh-oh")
la barca = the boat. (Sounds like "la bar-Kah")
il vaporetto = the ferry boat (as such in Venice, Italy)
la machina = the car. (Sounds like "la mah-Kee-nah")