13 Self-Care Practices to Explore

Acupuncture/Acupressure (Get recommendations from your network.)
Cleanses/Detoxes (Note: requires research, preparation and careful return to normal diet. Consider your lifestyle, physical demands and health restrictions with the help of a wellness practitioner.)
Cupping or Gua sha - Are often also handled by acupuncturists. Treats deep rooted tension and releases toxins. (Warning: causes temporary bruising and marks.)
Daily Affirmations (Read at the top of the morning and at difficult points of the day.)
Guided Meditation (Audio Streaming/Downloads)
Gratitude Journaling (Maintaining a running list of things for which you are thankful, big and small!)
Journaling (releasing thoughts, feelings through writing)
Mindful Breathing Exercises (try 4:7:8 - inhale through nose 4 counts, hold breath 7 counts, exhale through mouth for 8 counts)
Restorative Yoga (Many studios offer a trial class or membership.)
Self-Massage (An Ayurvedic technique called \'Abyhanga\' of massaging the entire body with warm organic oil--sesame, sweet almond or olive--while thinking nurturing thoughts.)
Sensory Deprivation or R.E.S.T. - Restricted Environmental Stimulation Therapy, better known as Float Tanks
Steaming (Steam room or hot steam shower using essential oils/essential oil spray such as eucalyptus & lavender. Great for skin and nasal care.)
Visualization (Create positive mental imagery of having/doing what you want for at least 5 minutes. Most effective when done daily.)