What’s Your Fitness DNA?

Am I working out consistently? Department of Health and Human Services recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous activity per week.
Am I motivated to work out on my own?
Do I ENJOY my workouts? Even look forward to them?
Do I enjoy working out alone or with other people? i.e., Running v. Boot Camp
Am I getting a variety of physical activities and workouts?
How often do I check in at my gym/studio? (If less than twice a month, RED FLAG!)
Do I have an instructor or trainer I follow?
Do I frequently cancel/reschedule my training sessions?
What amenities and/or services am I using at my gym?
Do I use more than one area of the gym? (If you don\'t know HOW to use the machines + equipment, RED FLAG)
Do I take more than one class at the gym/studio?
Do I have multiple fitness memberships? If so, do I use them equally?
Am I seeing or tracking results of my workouts and/or overall goals?
Do I ever work out at home?
Have I purchased home fitness equipment and allowed it to go unused?
What physical activities FEEL like fun or PLAY? Jumping rope? Dancing? Check out http://checkli.com/checklists/view/59f9f85c3f800. The Fitness Play-List can drive what workouts most motivate you.
If you are not clear on most of these questions or hit an \'ah-ha\' that you are wasting your money for no results...it\'s time to seek a new fitness program that suits YOUR Fitness DNA!